Joanna Wabik

Author / co-author of works on the border of installations, architecture, music and performance. She focuses on conscious intervention in the spatial, sonorous, social, psychological and technological contexts. She uses this potential to make the idea of ​​a piece clearer or to create it. Performative aspects of her work are often realized thanks to interactions with the recipients, stimulating them to feel and experience sound, space, matter with their bodies/senses, including them in some kind of fun/game in real time. It gives a wide field for the interpretation of her events, which she willingly confronts with her perception of the symbolism of the composition’s components. She wants to tickle subtle emotions and create unique, surreal situations. The theme of the implemented projects is (perhaps) the longing for closeness to nature and other people, in the face of progressive cyborgization and cybernetization.

On a daily basis, she accompanies classical dance lessons, teaches rhythmics, draws architectural designs, and improvises on the piano. In her artistic activities, she uses the knowledge and skills from her professional and life experience and education (Studies of Architecture and Town Planning at the Cracow University of Technology and Rhythmics at the Academy of Music in Poznań).

Major projects: “PoPolytope” in cooperation with CK ZAMEK in Poznań, “Chmury” - 1st edition of Fresh Zone as part of the Art Boom Festival of Visual Arts in Krakow, “Bird Radio” - 9th Survival Art Review in Wrocław, “Co in the Grass Squeaks “- XXVI Days of Contemporary Art in Białystok,” Goodbye/to hear “at the Krzysztof Penderecki European Music Center in Lusławice.

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