Petr Vrba

Petr Vrba is one of the most prominent figures of the Czech experimental music and a tireless promoter of free improvisation. He plays trumpet, clarinet, synthesizers and other electronic instruments. He collaborates with filmmakers (e.g. Oscar-winning film Daughter), dancers (e.g. Julyen Hamilton or Kateřina Dietzová) and artists (e.g. Milan Grygar or Jan Turner).

He regularly performs with the top of the European free improvisation scene (Axel Dörner, Balázs Pándi, Tony Buck, Thomas Lehn, Xavier Charles, Franz Hautzinger, to name a few) or with experimenters and sound artists such as Birgit Ulher, Yan Jun, Ryu Hankil, eRikm, etc. He is a founding member of the Prague Improvisation Orchestra, LyrArkestra+ and the groups IQ+1, Poisonous Frequencies, The MoND, Junk & the beast, Boyse and others. He has performed at festivals in Australia, North America, Europe and Asia. He has released more than forty albums on labels such as Inexhaustible Edition, Circum-Disc, Another Timbre, Mikroton, Corvo, mappa, Kandala etc.

“As a trumpeter, Vrba explores the involvement of the trumpet in new contexts and the creation of new contexts by other means, both acoustic and electronic. In doing so, he demonstrates an admirable ingenuity driven by the fascination of the acoustic experience.”

  • (composer and pedagogue Jaroslav Št’astný aka Peter Graham about Petr Vrba)


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