Rafał Zapała

Habilitated doctor of musical arts - composition. Professor at the Academy of Music in Poznań. Fulbright Senior Award scholarship 2021. Zapała does not see the boundaries between music learned through academic education, musical experiences of the counterculture and cooperation with artists from other fields of art. His music is presented at contemporary music festivals, in jazz clubs, on stages of experimental music and in open city spaces. He graduated in music composition (MA, PhD, habilitation) and choral conducting (MA). He participated in many courses, including: K. Stockhausen (Kürten 2008), Acanthes Courses (Metz, 2010 with IRCAM, T. Murail, B. Furrer), Darmstadt Summer Courses, workshops with P. Oliveros, A. Lucier, (STEIM ) and Z. Karkowski. Artist-Resident, among others at: Stanford University-CCRMA (01-03-2014), CK “Zamek” (2014), resident of the Świętokrzyska Philharmonic (2014/2015), ZK / U Berlin (2016), Vertigo STARTS (2019), UC Berkeley (CNMAT) Founder of Music Kołorking. Founder and president of the an_ARCHE NewMusicFoundation foundation and many bands and music projects (with contemporary, improvised, electronic and experimental music). His proprietary concept of Live Electronic Preparation (LEP Technique) is published as a chapter of the Oxford Handbook of Interactive Audio (Oxford University Press, 2014). A special place in his work is occupied by actions and sound installations embedded in the urban space, including: Sensorium (monumental installation in the CK ZAMEK clock tower in Poznań) and Post-Apocalypsis (gold medal for the Polish pavilion for “Sound Design” at the Quadriennale in Prague 2015).


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